mora gallery
About this project.

Symbolic Map

This was like a autobiography, but instead of writing it I had to Draw it. What I had to do is put 10 things about me, and represent them by drawings. All these things came from my imagination, and each of them is very important for me because are things that I like, and I think that are the ones that make me unique. The materials that were used were mainly: paper, paint, markers, pencil, eraser, scissors, glue and scotch tape. 

F Island: The F Island was when I was in primary and I use to have bad grades. This is very important for me because it was a time period that made me reflect about how life would be by having good grades, and make me make corrections in my life by becoming more organized and more responsible. 

M Ville: M Ville represents my love to Nintendo, and especially to Mario Bros video games. This is very important for me because when I was little I loved to play Nintendo 64, and play all kind of games like Mario Party 3, Mario Tennis etc. Now days I still play Mario video games. It was technically my childhood, and I would never forget that in my life. I like the imagination that Nintendo has for making video games.

Heart tower: the heart represents that that my birthday is February 28th

 Basketball Stadium: This represents my love to basketball. I practice basketball since I am little, and that is very important for me because in the future I want to be that best basketball player, and win a scholar ship for going to college in the U.S.A. I love to play basketball, and it´s a sport that requires lots of hours of practicing and that is why I love basketball.

Reflection: I consider that this project was a very important and interesting project for me. I think that it is important because it made me think about things that I didn’t remember like my low grades, or my favorite cartoon show. It was like a time capsule because I went through my whole remembering my interests, my old and current hobbies, my favorite food and cartoon shows. It reminded me how good my life was. It was interesting because it was an activity that I really enjoy and made me knew me better. It was an activity that I would have never thought about of, and that is why I considered important and interesting that project. Is a project that makes you pass through all your life, and your most important moments of your life and in my case my most important moments of my life.
  About this project

Semester Exam

This project was my semester exam project that was basically shapes, lines, dots etc. What I did was start to draw random figures in random places until I have a design that I liked. When I had the design I start to underline with black marker all the lines that were in pencil. Then what I did was to color with markers all the white sections of the drawing, and applying the techniques that I learned during the first semester like: pointillism, cross hatching and many others. It was a project in which you had to use a lot your imagination, and the art skills learned. The materials used for this project were: pencil, cardboard, markers, permanent marker.

Reflection: First of all the semester exam project was one the most fun projects I ever had in art class in my whole life. It was a project where the imagination made everything because with the imagination is from where we get the inspiration for drawing or painting. When I was making the project I was inspired I imagined the final product and it was awesome. I think from my own perspective that the project was perfect, anything was wrong and it wasn’t able to make it better. It is one of my best projects.
About this project

Maze #1

This is a sketch that I did one Sunday morning after breakfast. I start to draw at first just lines, but then it came by my mind making all these lines a maze that anyone could complete. It took me a lot of time making that maze by trying to make it passable, and not ruining it. Is one of my favorite sketches because is the one where I used more my imagination, and the one that I took the most time doing it. Is a maze that just a few people were able to pass, and that made it more valuable for me by saying that I put a lot of effort doing it, and that is why I chose it for this web site. The materials that I used were: paper, ruler and pencil.

Reflection: I was surprised with the final result of my sketch because I never thought of having as a result a maze like that. That sketch made me realize that everything is possible no matter what, if you put effort and time on it you would get what you want and even more. That maze is a draft of the real maze that I would make in the future where only I can complete it. I need to run my imagination like I did for this maze, and that is why all my mazes are special for no matter that I have only 1 done. This is the beginning of my effort, and my start for creating.